As an elementary school student, I dreaded my semi-annual report cards.  It wasn't that I was a bad student, it was just that some of my teachers felt it was an opportunity to quash my natural enthusiasm and to pass judgment on my personal style.

"If Jan applied herself, she might turn out to be something one day".

"Jan is just too dramatic and needs to take her studies more seriously."

(Honestly. These are actual notes on my report card from my third grade teacher.
 And they have stayed with me for a lifetime.)

      Rather than an opportunity for self-assessment, they were an experience in shame.

    SO...when my professor set upon our class the task to self-assess our knowledge and experience with technology, I decided to view it as a chance to be creative (my superpower!) and take stock of my assets and liabilities in this area, then to write for myself a series of report cards on each topic...the kind of report cards I would have liked to have had when I was a child.

NOTE: I used the free graphs design platform Canva to do this work: canva.com

~ J


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